Dee Simich is a leading trainer, coach and mentor in the art of heart-centred sales and communication and has been a regular guest speaker at meetings, events and conferences over the last 5 years in different countries.
She has trained and mentored thousands of people in the retail, B2B and corporate sectors, demonstrating the power of authenticity in business. Today she continues to help business owners and staff increase revenue by teaching her own non-conventional training methods that seek to offer the new currency of connection, service and creating an experience for the client.
Her early business and employment experiences taught her the importance of communication and building sustainable relationships with clients. She has travelled and worked extensively overseas which allows her to relate to different cultures and business practices. She brings this knowledge, as well as her own personal development experiences, into her trainings in order to inspire transformation in others, her passion leaving you in no doubt she is following her true calling.
Dee presents on personal leadership, sales and customer service integrated with a human potential theme that provides behavioural shifts and tangible takeaways. She is known for her unique ability to connect intimately with her audiences and inspire them with warmth and humour.
The way we communicate with others gives away our internal beliefs. We have 70 000 thoughts moving through our minds each day. Our thoughts create our own software program for our mind. Awareness is key to understanding if our thoughts are supporting or sabotaging ourselves? Learn to use words that create the fastest growth in personal development and self leadership.
Are you looking to build trust and influence potential clients? Network more effectively?
Learn how to get an edge over your competitors.
When you present in a strong, confident and positive manner, it enables your listeners to buy into you, and that’s exactly what they buy first – YOU!
That’s why being prepared is critical, not just in terms of your content, but how you present yourself.
Technology is constantly changing. Very few companies, however, understand that service is exactly the same—it’s always changing, and your job is to stay ahead of the competition and ahead of the curve. We look at 6 levels of Customer Service to give us an understanding of how we could be playing the game differently.
Selling used to be a specialised area, and now we find we are all in sales. To be an effective communicator is a skill we can all learn. Imagine being able to use less words and be more impactful and influential in a conversation which leads to a result.
We discover the 10 Keys to a sales conversation. Learning how to move from ‘selling a box’ to selling the result and how it can instantly boost your bottom line.